Bellow The Line Workshop Stop Hoax Indonesia bersama Remaja di Pontianak Pada Senin, 30 September 2019 telah berlangsung Workshop SHI di Aula FISIP S2 Untan, Kalbar. Universitas Tanjungpura Pontianak October 21, 2019Read more
Bellow The Line Lawan Hoax Lewat Poster PENYEBARAN berita palsu “Hoaks” di tengah masyarakat hingga kini masih sering kita jumpai. Kurangnya pengetahuan dan sering menganggap October 11, 2019Read more
Bellow The Line KOMPETISI DESAIN POSTER Stop Hoax Indonesia STOP HOAX INDONESIA (SHI) merupakan program dari Masyarakat Anti Fitnah Indonesia (Mafindo) yang didukung oleh Google News Initiative. October 1, 2019Read more
Bellow The Line Public Campaign in Young Generation Mafindo held focus group discussion (FGD) on Juli 20, 2019. This FGD aims at gaining insights, perspective, and September 1, 2019Read more
Bellow The Line Car Free Day (CFD) in 5 Big Cities in Indonesia On Sunday morning of August 18 2019, the STOP Hoax Indonesia teams and volunteer joined CFD events in August 20, 2019Read more
Bellow The Line Press Conference STOP HOAX INDONESIA After months working with talented people with great ideas and robust creativity. Finally, we released our first Web August 12, 2019Read more
Bellow The Line Focus Group Discussion Video Web Series Let me introduce you to Sumiyati, Kusmiyati and Reni. They are housewives from a small village in Purworejo July 24, 2019Read more